Registration SA

SA registration

As in most states and territories, CTP insurance in SA is included in the registration fee. Since 1 July 2019, vehicle owners can choose which insurer they want for their CTP when they renew registration.

You must renew car registration in SA before the expiry date. The CTP policy on your vehicle lapses if you do not renew within 30 days of expiry and there are heavy fines for unregistered and uninsured vehicles.

You can choose a registration period of 1, 3 or 12 months.

Total cost of registration depends on:

  • Period of registration (1, 3 or 12 months)
  • Class of vehicle – passenger, goods carrying, motorcycles etc
  • Whether it is garaged in district postcode rated 1 or 2
  • Whether or not you claim an input tax credit (GST).

Note, pensioners in SA can get half price registration for a motor vehicle and a trailer or caravan and 50% off the drivers licence fee.

You do not need a roadworthy inspection to register vehicles in SA, except for those defected, modified or written-off. You do not usually need a roadworthy inspection if you are transferring registration from another state.

Renew registration online using Service SA and, if you choose, set up a monthly direct debit. Service SA also provides a free service so you can confirm whether your car is registered and the expiry date.


Registration: Service SA

Phone: 13 10 84

9am to 5pm, Mon to Fri

Visit: SA service centres

Write: GPO Box 1533, Adelaide SA 5001.

What do you want to do?

1. How long can you leave your car unregistered in SA?

If you intend to drive or park your car on the road in SA, it must be registered at all times. Registration is valid until midnight on the expiry date. If your registration lapses, you can renew registration from the old expiry date or pay a higher fee and renew from the date of payment. However, if your car remains unregistered, it is uninsured and that is an offence.

2. How can I check if my car is registered in SA?

You can check if your car is registered in SA by using the free service, Check registration expiry.  All you need is the plate number. You can also find out the make, body type and CTP insurer of the car.

3. How do I get a copy of my car registration papers SA online?

If you have a mySA GOV account, you can easily download a copy of your registration papers online. Login and go to the Vehicles section, select Vehicle list, then click Details of your car. Under Your records, select Download registration details certificate. This is a free service.

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