CTP Insurers SA

CTP providers SA

On 1 July 2016 compulsory third party (CTP) insurance in South Australia ceased to be a government provided scheme and became privately insured. The CTP Regulator now licenses 5 private insurers to provide CTP in SA.

In the 3 years to 1 July 2019, the scheme allocated each SA vehicle owner to one CTP provider. Since then, you can choose from these CTP insurers:

Youi began providing CTP insurance in SA from 1 July 2022.

The CTP Regulator provides ratings on each insurer, based on customer surveys of their handling of claims during the previous 6 months.

CTP insurers set their own premiums for each class within a range set by the Regulator. That range is based on actuarial advice and the number and cost of claims projected for each year.

No insurer offers extra benefits with CTP, such as At-Fault Driver Cover, and they must provide exactly the same coverage.

If you are injured in a road crash, you can claim the same compensation for your circumstances whoever is your CTP insurer.


Use these contacts to choose your CTP insurer or to make a claim.


Phone 13 22 44

7.30am to 5.30pm, Mon-Fri

7.30am to 3.30pm, Sat-Sun

Claims online www.aami.com.au/claim/sa-ctp.html
Email sactpclaims@aami.com.au
Extra cover
AAMI stopped providing Driver Protection Cover 2 August 2023.


Phone 13 1000

8am to 9pm, Mon-Fri

8am to 5pm, Sat-Sun

Claims online www.allianz.com.au/ctp-insurance/sa/claims.html
Email claimssactp@allianz.com.au


Phone 133 723

8am to 5pm, Mon-Fri

8am to 1.30pm, Sat

Claims online www.qbe.com/au/claims/ctp
Email ctpsa@qbe.com

NRMA Insurance

Phone 132 132

8am to 8.30pm, every day

Claims online www.nrma.com.au/claims/ctp-insurance
In person Not available
Email Webchat


Phone 1300 231 140

8am to 11.30pm, Mon-Fri

8am to 9.30pm, Sat

Claims online How to claim
In person Not available
Email ctpclaims@sa.ctp.youi.com

What do you want to do?

1. Does it matter who I choose for CTP?

It does not matter who you choose for CTP because each SA insurer provides exactly the same coverage. Your renewal notice shows a comparison of insurer premiums and claimant service ratings to help you decide. However, you may choose an insurer for personal reasons. For example, you have an existing relationship with an insurer or one is more convenient for making payments.

2. How do I check my CTP insurer?

The fastest way to check your CTP insurer is to use the free service, Check registration expiry. All you need is your plate number. You can also check make and model of your car and when its registration expires. Your registration renewal notice also shows your current CTP insurer.

3. How do I change my CTP insurer SA?

You can change your CTP insurer through your mySA GOV account or on your registration renewal notice. Your renewal notice shows premiums and claimant service ratings for each insurer. All you need to do is select an insurer. If you do not change your CTP insurer in the first 3 months of the registration period, you have to wait until you next renew your registration.

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