Registration WA

WA registration

Your vehicle licence or registration fee already includes CTP insurance in WA. You pay the fee for registration WA based on the weight and type of vehicle. Also, your claims history for vehicle class and vehicle affects your premiums. Since 2003, vehicle owners have not paid a separate rate for private and business use, or when claiming GST.

You can choose to pay registration for 3, 6 or 12 months and change this period each time you renew your licence. While the 6-month premium is half of the 12-month premium and the 3-month premium is a quarter of the 12-month premium, you pay a fee for a 3 or 6-month licence.

Remember, pensioners can get concessions on driver licences but not usually for vehicle licences.

Renew registration

The easiest way to renew registration WA is online. If you choose the 3-month option, you have to pay online or over the phone. If you prefer, you can also visit a Department of Transport (DoT) Driver and Vehicle Services Centre.

Use the free online service to check when registration is due on your vehicle or whether the vehicle you plan to buy is registered.

Always pay registration within 3 months of the expiry date or registration will be cancelled and, unfortunately, you have to start a new registration. For first registration of a vehicle in WA, you must go in person to a service centre. Make sure you have a roadworthiness certificate and proof of identity and vehicle ownership.


You can book and prepay a roadworthiness inspection with DoT Welshpool Vehicle Inspection Centre or an approved inspection station (AIS). You do not need a roadworthiness inspection to renew registration WA. However, you may have to book a vehicle check if:

  • You want to license (register) your vehicle the first time in WA.
  • It has a yellow defect or compliance notice.
  • It is a modified vehicle.
  • Your type of vehicle needs an annual examination (bus, taxi, hire car).


Department of Transport Transport WA


Phone: 13 11 56 Mon-Fri 8am to 5pm

Visit: Driver and vehicle service centre

Write: Department of Transport, GPO Box C102, Perth WA 6839.

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