Transfer Registration Vic

How to transfer registration in Vic

If you have moved to Victoria from another state or territory in Australia, you must transfer registration to Vic within 3 months of settling there. If you do not transfer registration, you will be driving an unregistered vehicle, even if it is still registered in another state or territory. Find out how to transfer registration to Vic.

First, make an appointment with a VicRoads customer service centre. On the phone, they will ask for:

  • Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) and engine number of your vehicle
  • Make, model and registration of your vehicle
  • Current Victorian driver licence number (if you have one).

Your vehicle will not need an inspection if you can show registration papers and number plates from another state. VicRoads may ask for a Certificate of Roadworthiness (RWC)  if you bought the vehicle interstate or its registration is cancelled or expired by more than 3 months.

This checklist will help you smoothly transfer registration to Vic.

Vehicle registration form Complete
Proof of identity For example, birth certificate, passport, credit card, Medicare card
Proof of garaging address in Vic For example, rate notice or phone bill
Proof of ownership For example, contract of sale
Payment for all fees Registration, TAC, number plates
Your vehicle Only if inspection is needed

To transfer rego to Vic from another state or territory, you must cancel registration in the other state or territory.

This will cancel CTP insurance in all states except NSW, where you must cancel registration first and then take proof to the CTP insurer to cancel CTP.

Steps to transfer drivers licence

You can drive in Victoria on an interstate drivers licence while you are a visitor. After 3 months of living in Vic, you must convert to a Vic licence.

You need an appointment to transfer an interstate licence. Appointments can be booked online:

Driving with an interstate licence or permit.

Go in person to a VicRoads customer service centre with your:

  1. Interstate or territory drivers licence
  2. Proof of identity, eg, birth certificate, passport, credit card
  3. Proof of residency, eg, contract of sale or lease agreement
  4. Driver licence application.

Finally, you will pay a small fee to convert your interstate drivers licence to a Victorian licence.

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