CTP Insurance Vic

CTP insurance Victoria

If you own a vehicle in Victoria, you pay for compulsory third party (CTP) insurance from the Transport Accident Commission (TAC). The Victorian government set up the TAC CTP scheme to pay for treatment and benefits for anyone injured in a road accident. At the same time, the TAC continually works to prevent and improve Victoria’s response to road accidents.

The Victorian CTP scheme is not a fault-based scheme. This means people who are injured in a road accident can still claim medical benefits under the scheme, even if it was their fault.

TAC premium

All vehicle owners automatically pay for the TAC CTP scheme as part of their Victorian registration fee. You can find it on the bill as TAC premium or TAC charge. How much you pay for the premium depends on three factors:

  • Type of vehicle you own
  • Your postcode (risk zone)
  • Whether or not you claim a concession.

You can calculate registration fees online at VicRoads, based on your postcode.

VicRoads decides on how to allocate these to each vehicle owner. While the TAC is focused on road trauma, VicRoads runs licensing and registration in Victoria and looks after the state’s road network.

Finally, because the government runs the TAC CTP scheme, vehicle owners cannot choose an insurer.


Regulator/Insurer: Transport Accident Commission (TAC)

Phone: 1800 333 556 (free call) or 1300 654 329

Mon-Fri 8.30am to 5.30pm

Email: info@tac.vic.gov.au, policy@tac.vic.gov.au

Online form: tac.vic.gov.au/about-the-tac/contact-us

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