CTP Insurance Tasmania

Tas CTP insurance

In Tasmania, compulsory third party (CTP) insurance is not a fault-based scheme. This means Tas CTP insurance provides medical and income benefits to those injured in road accidents, whether it was their fault or not. If you can prove it was somebody else’s fault, you can sue for damages under common law


Motor Accidents Insurance Board (MAIB) is the Tasmanian government insurer. Unlike some states and territories, there are no private CTP insurers in Tasmania. So vehicle owners cannot choose an insurer or compare premiums.

The roles of the MAIB are to:

  • Manage the CTP scheme
  • Ensure injured people get the treatment they need
  • Fund the Road Safety Advisory Council
  • Support road safety measures to reduce accidents.

MAIB’s Long Term Care program provides lifetime care to people who are seriously injured in a road accident. For example, it funds purpose-built group residences in Hobart, Launceston and Ulverstone for seriously injured people.

Cheapest premiums

The MAIB claims Tas CTP insurance is the cheapest, most affordable in Australia. Meanwhile, the Tasmanian Economic Regulator carries out regular, independent reviews of these premiums.

How much you pay for CTP in Tasmania depends only on the class of your vehicle. There are 22 classifications, for example, whether it is a motor car, light goods vehicle or motorbike. However, the CTP premium is automatically included in your vehicle registration fee.

Contact Service Tasmania for any questions about vehicle registration.

Contact the MAIB for any concerns about Tas CTP insurance.


Insurer: Motor Accidents Insurance Board (MAIB)

Phone: 1800 006 224 (free call) Mon-Fri 8.30am to 5pm

Email: info@maib.tas.gov.au

Visit: Level 1, 33 George Street, Launceston

Write: PO Box 590, Launceston 7250, Tasmania

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