Compare CTP Insurance South Australia

Compare CTP SA

The CTP scheme in South Australia fully opened to the market in July 2019. This meant SA vehicle owners could choose their own CTP insurer.

Youi started providing CTP insurance in SA from 1 July 2022.

There are now 5 CTP insurers in SA:

Choose a CTP insurer

To help you choose a CTP insurer, the CTP Regulator provides customer service ratings on each insurer. These are based on customer surveys of their handling of claims during the previous 6 months.

While insurers set their own premiums, the regulator sets a minimum and maximum allowable premium.

Insurers are allowed to offer incentives, such as reward programs, loyalty schemes or gift cards. They may bundle CTP insurance with, for example, household or comprehensive vehicle insurance.

Same coverage

Under the scheme, all 5 approved insurers provide the same CTP insurance coverage. If you are injured in a road accident involving your vehicle, you can claim the same available compensation whoever your insurer.

What do you want to do?

1. Does all CTP insurance cost the same?

No, CTP insurance does not cost the same for every vehicle owner in SA. Prices depend on their district, vehicle type, and whether they claim an input tax credit. Insurer premiums also vary. SA CTP premiums for a private passenger vehicle as at May 2024 are:

  • $265 district 1 (Adelaide and the Hills)
  • $181 district 2 (elsewhere).

These CTP premiums do not include the Lifetime Support Fund Levy, currently $137 for district 1 and $109 for district 2. You can calculate your CTP premium here.

2. How much is average CTP?

Average CTP in SA depends on vehicle type and district. Average CTP in district 1 is higher than CTP in district 2. Meanwhile, average CTP for a passenger sedan is different from CTP for a light goods carrying vehicle or other type. As a guide, average CTP premiums for a private passenger vehicle as at May 2024 are:

  • $265 plus $137 Fund Levy – district 1 (Adelaide and the Hills)
  • $181 plus $109 Fund Levy – district 2 (elsewhere).

Calculate your SA CTP premium.

3. What is a claimant service rating?

A claimant service rating is a number, from 0 to 100, that reflects the experience of a claimant with their CTP insurer. It is based on regular surveys with claimants in the previous 6 months. This rating is published on your registration renewal notice. It is there to help you choose an SA insurer for your CTP.

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