CTP Insurance Qld

Qld CTP insurance

All vehicle owners in Queensland must have CTP insurance. The Qld compulsory third party (CTP) scheme is a common law, fault-based scheme. While the Qld CTP scheme pays compensation according to the type and extent of injury, you may get less if you were partly at fault. You might need to prove in court that another driver was negligent.

Since July 2016, someone seriously injured in an accident in Qld may claim lifetime treatment, care and support under the National Injury Insurance Scheme (NIIS). National Injury Insurance Agency Queensland runs NIIS and, since October 2016, drivers have paid an NIIS levy on registration.

CTP insurance is heavily regulated in Qld because private insurers are providing insurance for a compulsory public scheme. The most recent reform of the scheme was to reduce the incidence of claims farming.

The Motor Accident Insurance Commission (MAIC) oversees the Qld CTP scheme. Its tasks are to:

  • Keep premiums affordable
  • Make sure people in road accidents are compensated
  • Regulate insurer activity and premium limits.

This is why vehicle owners fund MAIC with a levy on their CTP insurance premium.

Insurers set their own premiums for Qld CTP and base prices on:

  • Class of vehicle, eg, cars and station wagons are class 1
  • Whether use is private (no input tax credit) or for business (with input tax credit)
  • Period of registration – 1, 6 or 12 months (3 months also for trucks).

In Qld, the registration fee already includes CTP insurance. Vehicle owners registered in Qld can choose from three CTP providers licensed to offer CTP insurance in Qld:

  • Allianz
  • QBE
  • Suncorp.

* Note, RACQ exited the Qld CTP scheme on 1 October 2023.

Contact MAIC

You can contact MAIC for information about the Qld CTP scheme, how to make a claim, or other concerns about Qld CTP.

Regulator: Motor Accident Insurance Commission (MAIC)

Phone: 1800 287 753

Email: maic@maic.qld.gov.au

Visit: 275 George Street, BRISBANE, Qld.

What do you want to do?

1. Is CTP compulsory in Qld?

Yes. CTP is compulsory for most vehicles in Qld and in every state and territory of Australia. Trailers and caravans do not need CTP insurance because they are covered by the towing vehicle. In Qld, the registration fee includes CTP. While CTP is compulsory, you can still choose your insurer.

2. How much does CTP cover in Qld?

CTP cover in Qld is designed to protect you if people are injured in a road accident involving your vehicle. CTP pays compensation according to the type and extent of injury and who was at fault. If you were at fault, you may get less compensation. When someone is seriously injured in a road accident, they can claim lifetime treatment, care and support under the National Injury Insurance Scheme (NIIS). Everyone pays an NIIS levy on their registration.

3. Do I need both CTP and comprehensive insurance in Qld?

Yes, you need both CTP and comprehensive insurance in Qld. This is because the coverage each one offers is completely different. CTP insurance is to cover injuries or death of people in a road accident. Comprehensive insurance is to cover property, including your vehicle and the property of others.

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