NT Registration

Registration in the NT

In Northern Territory, CTP insurance is included in the fee to register your vehicle. You do not have to choose a CTP provider because the Territory Insurance Office (TIO) is the single insurer. Rego in the NT lasts for 1, 3, 6 or 12 months, but it is cheaper to pay for 12 months.

Prices for rego in the NT depend on period of registration, the type of vehicle you drive (including electric cars) and its engine size. For example:


Light vehicles


0-3,000cc (5 categories)
Over 3,000cc (10 categories)


Up to 125cc
Over 600cc

You can renew rego in the NT in several convenient ways:

  • MVR Quickpay
  • NT Rego app
  • Phone
  • Mail
  • In person
  • At post office.

While pensioners cannot get free NT registration, they can renew a driver licence for free.

Older cars on the road need a roadworthy inspection from an authorised inspector at 5 and 10 years and then every 12 months to renew registration.

You do not have to pay separately for this inspection because the price is automatically added to your registration fee.

If you want to buy a used vehicle, or have forgotten when your registration is due, the NT government provides a free Rego Check Online. It shows:

  • Status of vehicle registration
  • Registration expiry date
  • Vehicle inspection date, if needed.


Registration: Motor Vehicle Registry (MVR)

Phone: 1300 654 628

Mon-Fri 8 to 4pm

Email: mvr@nt.gov.au

Visit: MVR offices

Write: GPO Box 530, Darwin NT 0801

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