CTP Insurers NSW

CTP providers in NSW

State Insurance Regulatory Authority (SIRA) licenses six CTP providers to offer CTP insurance in NSW. Below are contact phone numbers, hours, where to purchase and any CTP extras offered by that insurer.

Other insurers, even other motor vehicle insurers, are not permitted to offer CTP in NSW. CTP insurers may sell under other brand names, for example, APIA sells GIO green slips.

Insurer contacts


Phone 13 22 44
Hours 8am to 7pm every day
Quote/purchase online aami.com.au
In person No
Any extras None
Insurer code 26


Phone 13 1000

8am to 9pm Mon to Fri

8am to 5pm Sat

Quote/purchase online allianz.com.au
In person Major motor dealers, brokers and agents
Any extras None
Insurer code 32


Phone 13 10 10

8am to 6pm, Mon to Fri

8am to 4pm, Sat

Quote/purchase online gio.com.au
In person Branches, brokers and agents
Any extras None
Insurer code 31

NRMA Insurance

Phone 132 132
Hours 7am to 8pm every day
Quote/purchase online nrma.com.au
In person 220 branches
Any extras CTP Driver Protection, Our Customer discounts
Insurer code 34


Phone 133 723

8am to 7pm Mon-Fri

8am to 1.30pm Sat

Quote/purchase online qbe.com.au
In person QBE helps locate an agent
Any extras Good Driver Discount
Insurer code 36


Phone 1300 004 007
Hours 8am to 6pm Mon-Fri
Quote/purchase online youi.com.au
In person No
Any extras None
Insurer code 43

All green slips in NSW are the same by law.

Drivers at fault in an accident do receive benefits, but not to the same extent as other drivers under the NSW scheme. At-fault Driver Cover is the general name for additional cover for the driver at fault in an accident. It provides for lump sum benefits for particular injuries or a lump sum in the event of death.

One CTP provider NSW offers a free extra benefit for at-fault drivers on top of its green slip, called CTP Driver Protection.

What do you want to do?

1. How do I find out who my CTP is with?

You can find out who your CTP is with using the Service NSW registration check. As long as your vehicle is currently registered, you can find out your insurer, when registration is due, any concessions and other details. It does not reveal your name or address.

2. What is the difference between CTP insurers?

There is no difference between the CTP insurers when comparing the CTP coverage they offer. By law, all CTP insurance cover must be the same. However, CTP insurers are different in the prices they quote for CTP insurance. The greenslips.com.au Calculator helps you compare the cheapest prices from each CTP insurer in NSW.

Even though coverage is the same, you may choose a CTP insurer because they are easy to reach, you have an existing relationship or loyalty discount, or because they offer At-fault Driver Cover on top of their green slips. NRMA insurance currently offers this type of extra cover.

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