Compare CTP NSW

Compare CTP prices in NSW

NSW is one of the few states where you must choose a CTP insurer. There is a choice of 6 licensed insurers and they set their own prices. While CTP insurance coverage must by law be the same, CTP prices vary. For this reason, compare prices before you buy.

How to compare CTP

Use the Calculator to compare prices from all six insurers. It takes only 3 or 4 minutes – much faster than contacting each CTP provider separately. You will get the cheapest price available for your vehicle.

The greenslips calculator uses exact prices insurers have submitted to the regulator. Insurers must not use any other prices in their quotes, whether directly or through a broker or agent. Use the Calculator to compare CTP prices before you renew.

Choosing a CTP provider

After using the green slips calculator, you must pay your choice of CTP provider. To help you make the right choice, consider these factors:

  • Price
  • Relationship with a CTP insurer
  • Accessibility to an insurer for payment or renewal
  • At-Fault Driver Cover.

NRMA Insurance offers a free extra benefit with its green slip, known as At-fault Driver Cover.

Remember: Prices for CTP insurance must be the same, no matter how or where you purchase, as long as they are based on your vehicle and accurate details.

Checklist to compare prices in NSW

Information Where to find it
Date registration is due Rego renewal notice
Type of vehicle – motor car, ute or motorcycle Rego renewal notice
Vehicle variant Rego renewal notice
Year of manufacture Rego renewal notice
Provider of current green slip Current green slip or Service NSW check
Provider of any other motor vehicle insurance Current policies held
Number of demerit points Check your demerit points

What do you want to do?

1. What affects the price of CTP?

The price of CTP is affected by the driver, driving history and their vehicle. Some important factors are where you live, type of vehicle, age of the youngest driver, demerit points and other insurance held. The price of CTP is also affected by the way each insurer prices risk and its need to cover the cost of claims.

2. How can I get cheaper CTP?

The way to get cheaper CTP is to change the factors that affect the price of your CTP.

  1. You may pay less CTP for a newer car with safety features.
  2. You can drive safely and within the law to avoid demerit points or traffic offences.
  3. It is worth holding third party property or comprehensive insurance.

Even changing one factor can make your CTP cheaper.

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