Taxi drivers recently protested against Uber at Adelaide Airport. In fact, taxi drivers all over Australia claim they operate under regulations while Uber can do what it likes. This is now starting to change.
Uber accredited
The SA government has now accredited Uber as a ridesharing service. Since 3 April 2017:
- Maximum EFTPOS and credit card fees dropped from 10% to 5%, saving $1 on the average fare of $21.70
- $1 levy on taxi and ridesharing fares imposed, but not charged, until 1 May 2017.
In a blow for taxi drivers, passengers at Adelaide Airport can now pick up an UberX. Before that they could only hire a more expensive Uber Black or taxi. There is also a new rideshare pick-up area only 2 minutes from the arrivals hall.
UberX fares are about $17–$22 to the CBD, $19–$24 to Adelaide Oval and $18–$23 to Glenelg. (Uber takes a 25% cut.)
Review CTP insurance
The SA government agreed to review compulsory third party (CTP) insurance premiums later this year. Currently premiums for rideshare owners are the same as for chauffeur vehicles. These are considerably higher than for other vehicles.
Adelaide Taxi Licence Owners Association (ATLOA) says the taxi industry has really suffered. In the past 2 years, taxi driver plate values have more than halved from $400,000 to around $150,000.
Other states in Australia are reviewing CTP premiums for rideshare vehicles to make them fairer for all hire vehicles. ACT taxis and chauffeur vehicles now pay lower premiums and rideshare vehicles belong to a new CTP insurance category. NSW also has a new set of ridesharing rules beginning 1 November 2017.
Stop press
London has just announced it will not be renewing Uber’s licence this year. Times are changing for taxi drivers and providers of rideshare.