You must have CTP insurance if you want to own and drive a vehicle in the ACT. But just because you own a vehicle does not mean you always want to drive it. Why not investigate new on-demand options for getting around?
Designated driving
Designated driving services are one option. They were operating even before ridesharing. The latest is a service called PKUP, for the ACT and surrounds. PKUP is a 24-hour designated driver service, which aims to arrive within half an hour of your call.
PKUP offers more than just picking you up after a big night out. It will pick up your car if you have left it somewhere, say, at the mechanic for a service. On top of that, customers can get PKUP discounts when travelling to certain northside postcodes, thanks to agreements with certain venues.
Other designated driver services are Dial a Driver and WeDrive, which both work across Australia.
Private service
Remember these types of services sit outside regulated taxi or rideshare models. As a private service, owners must organise their own private insurance and provide service under consumer law. For example, PKUP pays up to $3,000 if your vehicle is damaged during a paid trip.
The ACT was the first city in the world to regulate ridesharing before it had even begun and the first place in Australia to legislate for ridesharing.
Note, if you are considering using your vehicle for ridesharing, make sure you are well informed:
Useful dates
Since 1 April 2016 – ridesharing vehicles pay new CTP premiums
After 1 August 2016 – anyone offering ridesharing must meet legal requirements
Since 1 November 2016 – all booking services offering rideshare must get accreditation.
From 8 November 2017 – you will need a working with vulnerable people (WWVP) registration.
CTP insurance
Owners of new rideshare vehicles must change premium class to the new CTP rideshare vehicle class. These premiums are more expensive because CTP insurers assess ridesharing as riskier than passenger vehicles.
If somebody offering rideshare pays only the usual passenger vehicle premium, their CTP insurer can recover the outstanding amount as a debt owing to them.