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New CTP class for your rideshare vehicle

Since 3 October 2017, owners of rideshare vehicles in Queensland can apply for a new class of compulsory third party insurance (CTP). Class 26 is the new class for “booked hire”. It applies to Qld registered vehicles that are used for rideshare or ride-booking services, such as Uber or GoCatch. Read more
Are Canberra drivers the worst in the country?

You may have heard Canberra drivers are the worst in the country. Whether it is true or not – and by what standards – nobody claims to know. If the measure used is safety, then ACT is the safest place to be a driver. In fact, only five people died on ACT roads in 2017. Read more
Are speed cameras just for revenue?

President of Queensland Police Union caused a stir recently when he claimed covert speed cameras were for revenue only. He also said too much time passes between speeding and getting a ticket for the fine to be relevant. No doubt, many would agree with him. But Queensland police are determined to keep using unmarked mobile speed cameras. Read more
Speed cameras now catch WA bikers

Motorcyclists in WA used to avoid detection by mobile speed cameras simply because they lacked front licence plates. Now WA Police have started to use mobile speed cameras that can take images from the front and the back. This new technology will put motorcyclists in the same position as motorists. Read more
Class action against Uber in Vic

Disgruntled taxi drivers in Melbourne have the chance to take part in a possible class action against Uber. Lawyers claim taxi drivers experienced severe loss of income between 2013 and August 2017 because of Uber. They allege taxi drivers operated within the law while Uber ignored it. It is a sign of big changes in Victoria’s passenger vehicle industry. Read more
Darwin’s abandoned cars

Earlier in 2007, the city alderman said Darwin was in danger of becoming the car wreck capital of Australia. Far from being the tropical city, it was fast becoming junk yard city. Many residents would agree. Abandoned cars are not pretty and not the best way to promote tourism. Read more
WA drivers hit in the pocket

Perth residents have seen the biggest increase in transport costs across Australia, according to a transport affordability index. The average annual cost of transport was $17,023, $619 more than the previous quarter. Combined with a drop in weekly earnings, locals now spend 13.1% (10.5% last year) of their income just on getting around. Read more
Repeat drink and drug-drivers go to rehab

South Australian police caught 608 drug drivers and 131 drunk drivers last year for their third or more offence in five years. Now Parliament has passed a law that forces all repeat drink or drug drivers to go straight to rehab. Read more
Price freeze for Tas CTP

Lucky Tasmanian motorists will pay unchanged registration/CTP premiums for at least 12 months. Owners of motor vehicles, motorcycles and taxis will all benefit. Transport Minister, Rene Hidding, says the welcome price freeze is partly because the cost of insurance claims has fallen. Read more
Progress of Canberra’s CTP jury

The citizens jury formed to debate changes to the ACT CTP scheme has now met twice. Its report recommends five priorities for the scheme. A majority approved the top three. They are: early access to medical and economic support, equitable cover for everybody and a value for money and efficient system. Read more
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