CTP Insurers ACT

MAI insurers in Canberra

Four insurers provide MAI insurance to vehicle owners in the ACT. Under the latest 2019 scheme, the Motor Accident Injuries Commission took over the supervisory role of the ACT Regulator. Vehicle owners are still able to choose an insurer. Below are contact details for each one, including phone, hours, website and any extra driver cover.

The four insurers licensed in Canberra are:


Phone 13 22 44
Hours 8am to 10pm every day
Website aami.com.au
Driver cover


Phone 13 50 50

8am to 8pm Mon to Fri

9am to 5pm weekends

Website apia.com.au
Driver cover
No longer offered after 1 February 2020


Phone 13 10 10
Hours 8am to 10pm every day
Website gio.com.au
Driver cover
No longer offered after 1 February 2020

NRMA Insurance

Phone 132 132
Hours 7am to 10pm every day
Website nrma.com.au
Driver cover
No longer offered after 1 February 2020

While the MAI insurers set their own premiums, they must first submit them to the Commission for its approval.

MAI cover from each licensed insurer is exactly the same. As a vehicle owner, you do not have to stay with the same one each year. If you have an existing relationship with an insurer, you may get the benefit of discounts on other products you hold with them.

Insurers no longer offer any form of At-Fault Driver Cover because the driver at fault is covered under the new MAI scheme.

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