Compare MAI ACT

Compare MAI in Canberra

Vehicle owners in Canberra have a choice of four MAI (was CTP) insurers. Before renewing registration each year, you can compare insurers to check their prices:

  • AAMI
  • APIA
  • GIO
  • NRMA Insurance.

Licensed MAI insurers in the ACT set their premiums each year. You can quickly find premiums on the ACT government site. Premiums apply for 12 months and vary only with class of vehicle and type of use.

Class of vehicle includes, for example, passenger cars, taxis, buses, motorcycles.

Insurers offer two prices for each class – one for private use (not claiming an input tax credit) and one for business use (claiming an input tax credit). Other factors, such as driver age and claims history, do not affect MAI premiums in the ACT.

Compare insurers

Always compare MAI providers before renewing your registration, to ensure you get the best value. Prices will vary, particularly if you have changed your vehicle class or type of use (business or private) during the year.

To help you compare insurers, you might consider:

  • Price
  • Any current relationship with a CTP insurer
  • Any further benefits offered.

Insurers in the ACT no longer offer At-Fault Driver Cover for drivers at fault. This is because they are covered since 1 February 2020 by the new MAI scheme.

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